An all-terrain vehicle (ATV) may also be called a quad, a three wheeler, or even a four wheeler. With engine sizes in the range of 50 to 1,000 cc's, these vehicles roll on low pressure tires, with a comfortable seat and handlebar steering. ATV's are available in both gasoline fueled and electric models. Because of the variety of models available, the perfect choice for any use and any operator can be found. Although groups and families often travel in packs on their all terrain vehicles, these are most often single rider vehicles. The operation is much like a motorcycle, with the stability of three or four wheels instead of two. There are models being offered that accommodate one or more passengers in addition to the driver.
There are places where your ATV can legally be operated on regular roads, but be sure to check the laws first. Most ATV use is off-road. Off-road use is also controlled. In order to avoid damaging natural resources and protected environments, be sure to use ATV authorized roads and trails.
Safety practices are of primary importance when gearing up for an off-road adventure. If safety is ignored, serious injuries are possible. A high percentage of injuries could be prevented by the use of proper safety gear. At the least, consider a good helmet, some kind of protective eye-wear, gloves, and good riding boots to be essential equipment. Extreme riding over difficult terrain requires chest protectors and shin guards for safety.
In addition to simple family fun, there are national motocross style championship events at tracks all over the US. These weekend sporting events involve both amateur and professional riders in dirt track and wooded trail racing, along with hill climbs, rock obstacles, and water crossings.
Certainly ATV's are popular for sports and recreational use, but they are also of great practical value. Ranchers and agricultural worker use them, city and county maintenance workers use them, and even emergency services use them for off-road work.
In the future, we may expect to see an even greater range of models available. All-Terrain Vehicles are economical to operate, and if used properly, can be environmentally friendly.
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