Saturday, July 31, 2010

Mobile Car Washing - Hire Athletes to Work, Especially in Arizona!

If you run a mobile car wash business and you will be working in the heat of the summer, it's best to Hire Athletes, and I cringe when people tell me that they will hire a whole bunch of illegal immigrants to do the washing. Number one, it is against the law to hire undocumented workers, or illegal immigrants, and you really need star athletes that can keep up with the pace of work, without getting tired. It's much better to pay them 12 or $15 an hour, than to pay a group of individuals that isn't even legally in the country.

There are couple of reasons for this, one is you need to go fast to complete all the work, and it is such hard work you need people that are in shape. Secondly, the fines for hiring illegal immigrants can put you in jail, on the first offense with a big fine, and multiple offenses can land your butt in prison. In fact, if I might be so polite, I'd say that's where you belong if you illegally hire people that are illegally in the country.

Not long ago, a gentleman and an acquaintance out of Arizona was discussing with me the mobile car wash business, specifically the market segment of auto car dealerships, and lot washing. He was interested in what type of labor he might hire, and he was concerned that other mobile car wash companies hire illegal immigrants and undocumented workers. And he asked me; "I have read a number of your articles, and it appears you recommend obtaining young individuals in good shape for the workers."

Absolutely, it's crucial. This is a labor intensive business, and it's hotter than heck in AZ in the summer time, you are liable to kill your car wash crews if they can't handle it, you have to start at zero-dark-thirty, and drink 2-gallons of water during a work day, anything less than that and it all sweats out, you need not take a bathroom break. You need soccer players, athletes, runners, wrestlers, boxers, folks that can hang tough.

When cleaning car lots especially, the black top is hot, the reflection of light in your eyes, coming off all the glass and mirrors. If someone is out of shape and still trying to hustle, they will be throwing up by 10AM. Of course, I can't think of a better way to lose weight, but don't take advantage of your crews expecting them to be the biggest losers. They are liable to strike.

You see, even if you wash in the middle of the night, sometimes in Arizona in the summer time it is 100 degrees all night long too, for weeks on end the temperature doesn't get under 100-degrees even in the middle of the night. Indeed, hope you will please consider this.

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