In these tough economic times most people try to find alternative ways to supplement their income. You will be surprised to know that a great source of income may be sitting on your driveway. Yes, I'm talking about your car. You can use your own vehicle to earn money and I'm not talking about any pizza delivery jobs.
Every time you see a car covered in advertisements, chances are that the driver is either getting paid for driving this vehicle, or he/she has acquired the car for free. There are many companies that can offer you a monthly salary, if you accept to place a vinyl wrap with their products on your automobile and turn it into a moving billboard. The salary is usually a few hundred dollars per month, but you can get a lot more in case you own a truck or van.
But, how can you get accepted to such a program?
Here are a few things you need to know:
- These programs are offered in US, Canada, France, Spain and a few more countries, so in order to participate you must be a permanent resident of these countries. What is more, you must be above 18 years old, own a valid driver's license and have a clean driving record.
- You are much more likely to get accepted, if you live in a highly populated city or area. In case, you live in a smaller town or a rural area your chances will be smaller, unless you travel a lot and can prove that you can help the company get a lot of exposure. If you live in a small town and don't travel a lot, your best bet would be to target smaller local businesses.
- You are being paid to show off ads to as many people as possible, so you will need to drive to highly populated areas. Sometimes you may be asked to attend large public events such as a concert or a sporting event, where many people will be able to see the ad. In this case, of course your income will increase.
- You may be required to travel up to 800 miles per month and the companies might even check your mileage, to see if you are telling the truth.
- Owning a vehicle that draws a lot of attention, increases your chances of getting accepted. For example owning a big truck or a bright yellow H2 Hummer will make things easier.
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