In these though economic times, a lot of people are looking for ways to make some extra cash. Car advertising may be the easiest way to make money, because you will do nothing more than you have always done. You will continue to drive your own car to work, to the church, to the grocery store and earn cash at the same time. You can make a good amount of money by simply having a vinyl or magnetic advertisement placed on your vehicle.
There are many companies that offer between $600-$800 or more monthly, to people who are willing to help them gain more exposure for their products or services.
The car advertising programs are currently open in the following regions: Canada, United States, France, UK and Spain, but soon the list of countries that use such programs will expand even more.
Of course there are certain requirements, if you want your application to get accepted:
- You must be 18 years old or older.
- You must be a permanent resident of one of the countries mentioned above.
- You have to have a valid driver's license.
- You must have a good driving record with no more than 2 serious violations in the last few years.
- You have to agree to drive a minimum amount of miles every month, which is usually at least 300-400 miles. Don't believe that you can cheat the system and report a false mileage to get more money. The company might install a GPS unit on your automobile or check your mileage odometer for verification.
Even if you don't own a car, you can still apply for this job. There are companies that give away brand new vehicles for free like cars, trucks and SUV's already wrapped in advertisements.
This free vehicle will be yours for a period of time between 2 to 5 years. When the contract is over, you can decide if you want to drive a car sponsored by a different company or negotiate with the sponsor company to extend the contract.
As far as the advertisement is concerned, the material from which it's made is of high quality, so you don't have to be afraid that it might damage your vehicle when you are going to have it removed. In fact, the company will sign a guarantee that the installation of the ad won't damage your vehicle.
In order to get a list of companies that offer this kind of programs, it would be a good idea to sign up with a specialized website that can help you locate the highest paying car wrap companies.
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