When you are starting out to sell cars your Car Salesman Training is an important part of your transition from consumer to car sales person. You might be surprised how much is involved in the process of selling cars and it should not be taken lightly. In the U.S. alone there are 12-17 million new cars sold each year and probably close to the same amount of used cars. No matter how you look at those numbers, that is a lot of cars being sold every year. For that reason alone the subject of car sales training is taken very seriously. It has been studied, tested and improved continuously over the years and continues to evolve today.
Car salesman training is actually an ongoing process if you want to stay current with the market and it is one of those subjects where the professional auto salesman can never have enough training and motivation. The ideal situation is to subject the auto salesman to some sort of training or motivation each and every day that they work the sales floor. You see the process of selling automobiles is so much more than letting a customer pick out a car and make a purchase.
Why Car Salesman Training
It has been said that 80% of the people that visit a car dealership and look at cars are going to buy a car in the next three days. Now when you consider that the average car dealer has a 20% closing ratio and you start to think about those numbers it could only mean that the car buyer is visiting multiple dealers. If they are visiting multiple dealers that could only mean that they are considering other brands, but in many cases there are visiting other dealers of the same brand. Since that is the case it must mean that there is a need for more car salesman training.
In the industry we say that they finally buy a car when they come across and good car salesman. That might be a little sarcastic, but there is a lot of truth to that statement. Some people buy a car at the first dealer they visit and some people call and go to several dealers before they buy a car. There is obviously a reason for this behavior; it might be available vehicle selection, the belief that they could get a better deal somewhere else or any number of reasons. One of those reasons in many situations is that the vehicle salesman could have done a better job. After all you can buy a car almost anywhere today, so we could only assume that the car salesman did not show the value of buying from him and his dealership.
For those reasons there is always room for more car salesman training. Whether it is monthly auto sales training events or daily meetings that keep it fresh in the mind of the salesperson, there is always room for improvement when the closing ratio hovers near 20%. Think about it for a minute, nobody wants to go to several car dealers and be put through the sales steps at each dealer to buy a car. With that being the most common scenario the only answer is more and continuing car salesman training.
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