Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bone Fractures and Motorcycle Accidents

Since there is nothing to protect motorcycles in the case of an accident, riders typically get thrown far distances. One result of this is, among a number of other medical issues, is often multiple bone fractures. Even if a motorcyclist is not thrown from his or her bike, incidents like bikes falling over onto riders can cause serious bone brakes.

Types of Bone Fractures

There are a number of different types of bone breaks. Some, such as simple cracks can be treated quit easily with a cast, but other types of fractures can be very difficult to treat and-if the bone is not healing properly-may require the re-breaking of the bone which will then be re-cast. The ability to fix broken bones easily or much more difficultly also depends largely on where the break occurred. For instance, broken chins are a very serious issue. With a broken chin or jaw, the mouth often times must be closed until the healing is complete.

Other types of fractures can result in permanent physical impairment or even crippling.

There are two main categories of bone fractures:

Displaced-this refers to fractures in which the bone snaps into two or more parts. A comminuted fracture is when the bone breaks into many pieces-this is often the case, for example, when a person falls onto their jaw and it breaks.

Non-displaced-this refers to fractures in which the bone cracks either part or all of the way through. Of non-displaced fractures there can be open or closed fractures. Open fractures are when the broken bone pierces the skin and pushes out. Open fractures are a very serious issue because they can easily result in deep bone infections.

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