Sunday, August 15, 2010

Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Motorcycle Accidents - Some Facts

A motorcycle can be termed as one of the most dangerous transport vehicle ever made by man. It offers little to no protection on the road.

  • Motorcycles are involved in more accidents than any other automobile.
  • As the number of drivers increase, so does the number of motorcycle accidents
  • No matter how experienced a driver is, statistics show that a rider over the age of 40 is 20 times more likely to be involved in a motorcycle accident while rider below 40 are 36 times more likely to be in an accident.
  • Motorcycles accidents make up to about 5 percent of every accident on motorways. Almost 80 percent of the riders involved in this accidents end up being severely injured or dead.
  • Not using the helmet or eye goggles causes about 10 percent of all motorcycles.
  • Accidents involving motorcycles are caused due to the fact that most of the vehicles cannot see them due to the small structure of motorcycles.
  • In about 95-98 percent of all motorcycle accidents, weather was not a factor and the accidents were cause due to human error.

The above facts show that the riding a motorcycle can be significantly dangerous. This accidents are usually more dangerous than any other automobile due to the fact that motorcycles just do not shield the rider as in case of an accident.

Choosing a Reputable Attorney

Choosing a reputable attorney is a difficult but possible task. When choosing an attorney, you must ensure that the lawyer has the necessary certificates and rights without which the court may not entertain him to represent you for compensation claim. The situation of the accident should also be discussed. It is highly unlikely that the court will grant you the compensation if the weather had a part to play in the accident.

The Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Bedford is reputed and has a good track record. Once you are comfortable with the lawyers whom you have short listed, you can view the history of the cases similar to your which they fought for and take a decision. The benefits of hiring a lawyer and allowing him to fight the case for you are many.

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